Whether your horse is a pleasure horse, a star athlete, or anything in between, lameness can affect your horse’s daily routine, performance, and overall quality of life. Our veterinarians are happy to evaluate your horse, identify and manage any problems, and recommend an effective treatment plan.
When performing a lameness examination, we will carefully evaluate your horse’s joints, bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. We will examine each limb at rest and in motion. Further evaluation may involve monitoring your horse’s gait after flexion of the limb (called a flexion test) to help determine if a particular joint is the source of pain. If necessary, we can also employ other diagnostic and imaging tests, such as radiography (x-rays), ultrasonographic evaluation, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear scintigraphy (bone scan) to aid in our diagnosis and to develop appropriate treatment options.
Through careful lameness evaluation and use of diagnostic techniques, we can determine the source of your horse’s lameness and recommend the most appropriate treatment. Call today to learn more about our comprehensive services.
Lameness exams of horses can range from being a straight-forward single limb problem to a multi-limb problem. To diagnose the problem affecting only a single limb to a complex multi-limb problem requires several diagnostics to evaluate and treat. Veterinary exam findings and owner input is necessary to get a better understanding of the problem. Our veterinarians use a logical pattern of diagnostics to accurately diagnose the source of the pain and start the appropriate treatment. The owner’s role in the examination is to provide an accurate history of when the lameness began and how it has progressed, both prior to and after the initiation of treatment.
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Address: 402-E Dicey Ford Rd, Camden, SC 29020