Acupuncture is used by itself or in conjunction with Western medicine to treat many different problems, especially pain, and promote overall good health and well being in people and animals.
The wonderful feature of acupuncture is that it can be used preventatively to treat an imbalance or area of stagnation (low grade soreness) before it becomes a problem (i.e. clinical lameness) or causes your horse to be resistant to training. A trained practitioner uses acupuncture in conjunction with his or her western exam to detect and treat subtle imbalances. It is not only useful in the treatment of cases where lameness or a medical problem has been diagnosed and isolated to a specific area; but also in cases where there is not an obvious problem, but something “just doesn’t seem right”. If your horse is in training, showing or is ridden regularly, chances are that he or she has some low grade musculoskeletal soreness that can be treated by acupuncture before it becomes a problem. Many horse owners use acupuncture as a routine part of training to try to prevent injuries.
It is important to keep in mind that some conditions may require traditional western medical therapies in conjunction with acupuncture treatment. The initial exam findings, clinical experience and response to previous or current acupuncture treatments will determine when your horse may benefit from acupuncture alone or in conjunction with a western medical treatment. If western medical therapy is employed to treat a specific condition, acupuncture is often used as an adjunctive therapy or as long term management.
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Address: 402-E Dicey Ford Rd, Camden, SC 29020